Crossroads of America

Thinking of starting or expanding your business in Southwestern Indiana or relocating your already established business? Let us name a few reasons to forge ahead....
- Evansville is Indiana's 3rd largest city, located along the Ohio River, in Indiana's great southwest. We are the hub city for a 26 county tri-state region, representing parts of Indiana, Kentucky and Illinois with a population of 730,000+ within a one hour drive.
- Southwest Indiana is known as the Crossroads of America, within a day's drive of 75 percent of the U.S. and Canadian populations and accessible to every U.S. Market by road, rail, air and water.
- With a population of nearly 120,000 people in the city limits, and more than 300,000 people in the metropolitan area, Evansville is the social and economic hub for our tri-state region
- The Hoosier state ranks in the top 10 in 46 logistics categories. Indiana gets high marks for transportation, infrastructure, cargo movement, employment and number of companies in all modes of freight transportation.
- Indiana is the Best State for Business in the Midwest and #5 in the nation. (Chief Executive magazine, 2017)
- Indiana ranks #2 for Cost of Doing Business and Cost of Living. (CNBC America's Top States for Business, 2017)
- Indiana offers the Best State Tax Climate in the Midwest and ranks #8 in the nation. (Tax Foundation, 2017)
- Indiana has a AAA credit rating from all three agencies. (S&P, Fitch and Moody's)
- Evansville is the future Hub for Medical Innovation and Research in the Midwest. The Evansville Multi-Institutional Academic Health Science Education and Research campus in the downtown district has broken ground and is to be completed by early 2018. Indiana University, the University of Evansville and the University of Southern Indiana are proud partners of the medical school. Along with the three universities, four regional hospitals have also partnered, including: St. Vincent, Deaconess, Good Samaritan in Vincennes and Memorial Hospital and Health Care in Jasper.